Quick Start


ClueHunter depends on graphviz to generate the picture from the dot file. Others dependencies are installed in Ubuntu-14.04 system by default.

List of dependencies:

  • gcc >=4.8
  • gdb >=7.7
  • expect 1.1
  • python 2.7
  • graphviz>=2.36

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get instsall graphviz
git clone https://github.com/yangke/cluehunter.git

That’s done.

Start Funny

  1. Compile the Program Under Analysis

    First compile your C project with gcc -g -save-temps option. In most cases you can specify this in the configure procedure like this:

    $./configure CFLAGS="-g -save-temps" CXXFLAGS="-g -save-temps" --prefix=$YOUR_INSTALL_PATH

    Otherwise you may have to change the Makefile.

  2. Provide the Execution Command for Auto-debug

    Then modify line 15 in cluehunter/robot_dbg.exp to fit with your debug scenario. Here is an example for executable program swf2xml test in swfmill-0.3.3.

    15:spawn gdb -q --args swfmill swf2xml exploit_it_to_crash

    The input file exploit_it_to_crash will cause the crash of swf2xml.

  3. Run the Modified Script

    Then use robot_dbg.exp to debug your program automatically. It executes gdb next command when meeting lines which contains library or system call site, other cases it executes step command of gdb. If robot_dbg.exp mistakenly steps into a call with no source code, it will then use finish command to execute through it to jump out. Copy the robot_dbg.exp into the directory of binary executable program: swf2xml and the exploit input: exploit_it_to_crash. This will make the former command valid(spawn gdb -q --args swfmill swf2xml exploit_it_to_crash).

            ... exploit_it_to_crash ... robot_dbg.exp ... swf2xml ...
    (gdb) q
    A debugging session is active.
            Inferior 1 [process 30695] will be killed.
    Quit anyway? (y or n) ^Cswfmill-0.3.3_install_bin_path$ls
            ... exploit_it_to_crash ... gdb.txt ... robot_dbg.exp ... swf2xml ...
  4. Use cluehunter.py to analyse the gdb.txt

    Every thing come handy, we got the debug trace gdb.txt besides them. Then we can use cluehunter.py to analyze this trace.

    python cluehunter.py -t path_to/gdb.txt\
            -vs length -ps N -o . -n telescope -l 1

    This command will use the test trace located at gdb.txt to perform reverse data flow analysis for variable length from the last parsed line(as the default). To specify the line number, you can use the option -i {line number in trace.txt} (see bellow for detail). The sensitive crash data length itself are marked as tainted. The access pattern of length, 'N', means direct access. Another mark '*' means we need to dereference this pointer to access sensitive sink data we cared about. Note that the * must be quoted with “” or ‘’ in command line. This command will cause ClueHunter output telescope.dot and use graphviz to generate telescope.svg beside it. -vs, -ps and -t are three mandatory options which specify the names of sink variables, patterns and the trace to analysis respectively. -o option specified the output directory. -l specified the parsed trace redundancy level. 0 means only remove the line redundancy in same function and 1 means remove both the inner function and inter-function reduandancy.

    If you want to analyze variables on specific trace line, you may need -i option. For example: -i -1 specifies the last line in trace.txt, and -i -2 specifies the line of last but one. You can also use positive line number. For instance, -i 100 means the 100 line in the trace.txt. Note that the lines we talk here are the lines in the parsed middle file: ``trace.txt``. The last line(-i -1) in trace.txt corresponds to the last none empty line above the error information Program receive ... in gdb.txt.

Macro Expansion

ClueHunter can analyze the function call caused by macros by expanding them. It references the preprocessed *.i files generated by -save-temps option of gcc to make a macro expansion. To use this function, you have to specify the path of the compiled C project corresponding to the log trace under analysis. And make sure the under analysis program is compiled with -save-temps. This function is not available by default, please use -m to specify the compiled C project path.

Executable Test Command

Here is an executable test command which analyzes the trace gdb-swfmill-0.3.3.txt provided in test module.

python cluehunter.py -t test/gdb_logs/swfmill-0.3.3/gdb-swfmill-0.3.3.txt\
        -vs length -ps 'N' -o . -n telescope -l 1 -m test/gdb_logs/swfmill-0.3.3/swfmill-0.3.3

Complete Usage

usage: cluehunter.py [-h] -ps PATTERNS [PATTERNS ...] -vs VARIABLES
                [VARIABLES ...] [-l LEVEL] -t TRACE [-o OUTPUT_PATH]
                [-m C_PROJECT_DIR] [-n NAME] [-d | -v | -q]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LEVEL, --level LEVEL
                        Redundancy level of the parsing. 0 means just remove
                        inline or innner function redundancy; 1 means remove
                        both of the inline and interprocedural reduandancy.
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        The start trace line for tracking. Default value is -1
                        which means start from the last line. Positive integer
                        means the {line number}-1 in the parsed result
                        cluhunter/test/trace.txt. Negative integer means the
                        last but what line of the cluhunter/test/trace.txt. 0
                        is useless, but it still can be regarded as the
                        first line.
  -t TRACE, --trace TRACE
                        The file path of gdb trace log, for example,
                        ./gdb.txt. This log should be generated by
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output-directory OUTPUT_PATH
                        The output directory in which .dot and .png files will
                        be dumped in this path.
  -m C_PROJECT_DIR, --c-project-dir C_PROJECT_DIR
                        The C project directory with the .i files maked by gcc
                        '-save-temps' option. Usually the we add this flags
                        during configure: ./configure CFLAGS='-g -save-temps'.
  -n NAME, --name NAME  The prefix name of the generated .dot and .png files.
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output.
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity.
  -q, --quiet           Be quiet during processing.

  -ps PATTERNS [PATTERNS ...], --patterns PATTERNS [PATTERNS ...]
                        Specify the access pattern list of the sink
                        identifiers. Patterns must be "*" or "N" separated
                        with blanks. "N" means direct access, "*" means this
                        is a pointer of the cared data.
                        Specify the identifier name of the sink variables.